Ever felt like stress is taking over?

Sangita Biswakarma
2 min readApr 8, 2024


Let's talk about cortisol, the sneaky 'stress hormone' wreaking havoc on our bodies. It's not just about feeling frazzled; cortisol plays a huge role in our metabolism, immune system, and even sleep patterns. But when stress becomes chronic, it can throw our cortisol levels out of whack, leading to a host of health issues.

Here are some red flags to watch out for:

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Sudden Weight Gain

That stubborn belly fat? Cortisol might be to blame. It messes with our metabolism, making it easier to pack on pounds, especially around the midsection.

Skin Woes

Stress showing up on your skin? Cortisol weakens our skin’s defenses, paving the way for acne, thinning, and slow healing. Say hello to those unwanted stretch marks.

High Blood Pressure

Cortisol doesn’t play nice with our blood pressure either. Too much of it can send those numbers soaring, putting our hearts at risk.

Hormonal Havoc

Ladies, ever noticed irregular periods or a dip in your libido when stress levels peak? Guys, struggling with performance issues? Cortisol could be messing with your hormones.

And it's not just physical—stress messes with our minds too. Depression, anxiety, fatigue—they're all part of the cortisol rollercoaster.

But fear not! Recognizing these signs is the first step to reclaiming control. Let's kick stress to the curb, prioritize self-care, and get back to feeling our best selves. Your health and happiness deserve it!



Sangita Biswakarma

Hello it's Sangita Biswakarma a psyche student with passion for writing and reading.